
Donations Requested

We have made participation in this event free of charge to all groups, organizations, and businesses.  However, in lieu of charging a fee for table and chair reservations, we are instead asking that participants in the Centennial Kickoff Faire make a donation to the Oakland Tech Centennial Fund, to help us ensure that current and future generations of Bulldogs can continue to receive the best possible public education in Oakland.

Click here to donate now.

…in Oakland Technical High School’s Centennial Community Faire.

Calling all:  Student Groups, Academic Programs, PTSA, Businesses, Artists, Non-Profit Organizations, Vendors, Community Groups

Want to help make Oakland Tech’s Centennial Kickoff Event fabulous? Get involved! Bring your business, student or alumni group, arts, crafts, food, or non-profit to this historic event.

All Groups/Sponsors/Vendors/Participants Interested in Reserving a Table:

We welcome all local businesses, student and alumni groups, non-profit organizations, artists, craftspeople, and other vendors to share their work with the Oakland Tech community. (We do not include resellers of merchandise or “flea market” types of vendors.)  Click the Participant Application button below to reserve a table.


Want to be promoted on the Oakland Tech Centennial Facebook page? Send two or three lines about what you will be doing at the next event with a photo and a link to your own site to  And make sure to like us and share our posts.

Want to be promoted on the Oakland Tech Cennial Facebook page? Send two or three lines about what you will be doing at the next event with a photo and a link to your own site to And make sure to like us and share our posts.

Food Vendors

We welcome food trucks and booths at the Kickoff event.  If you have interesting, creative, yummy food to offer, come join in this exciting event!  Simply fill out the online Participant Application and Payment Form.


Want to get directly involved? There are many ways to help make Oakland Tech’s year-long Centennial Celebration successful and fun—before, during and after the event as well as between during the school year.  Email to let us know you are wiling to help or fill out the form below.

Public Safety, Ethics, and Respect

We  hope to draw thousands of people to this event. It is up to all of us to make it safe and keep it safe for everyone.

  • We all must keep public safety as a number one priority.
  • School Security Officers will be present for the entirety of the event.
  • We have to practice respect for each other, private property, murals, and other public artworks.
  • We have to keep the area clean of trash and litter.  Please plan on staying after the end of the event to help clean up.
  • Please keep the sidewalks and the fire lanes clear at all times for pedestrians and emergencey vehicles.