First Meeting
On Saturday, April 11th, 11 Bulldogs gathered at 11am in Ms. Wolfe’s room (103) to get the ball rolling on a Centennial Celebration! There were members from the class of 1944 through 2013.
This is going to be a great, get to business planning group – though there was a good deal of digression about famous and not so famous graduates and not quite graduates who shall remain nameless.
The group set a broad initial timeline of meeting every three months on the 3rd Sat. at 11am at Tech., acknowledging the need for sub-committee meetings and more frequent meetings as the Centennial kickoff gets closer – the 2014/2015 school year.
What came through loud and clear was a desire to reinvigorate the notion of Bulldog Pride. Early on, the question: How can we make Bulldog Alums part of the school? shaped the discussion. This planning group, and certainly others, would like to share the Bulldog Message throughout the planning and beyond.
Over the coming months, you will be invited to join a Centennial Update email list, help locate stray Bulldogs, and help build the buzz. If you have ideas you would like to contribute, please do so by coming to the next planning meeting on Saturday, July 21 at 11am at the Oakland Tech library (formerly the auditorium for those of you who remember when).