Loma Brant Boyd ’41

I loved being in all the clubs. I was in about 15 clubs. I loved working for the Scribe – the school newspaper. I wanted to be the editor but it was an elected office and I did not get elected. A few years later it was made an appointed position. Some of the other clubs that I was in were the French club, the Latin club, the International club. We wrote letters to people overseas. I had a Dutch pen-pal.
Loma Brant Boyd graduated from Tech in June 1941. She wrote for the Scribe News. In fact, she has kept every column she ever wrote, taped end to end and neatly wound like a roll of crepe paper. At Tech, she was also a member of the Latin Club, the Delphian Club and the International Club. In the International Club, students were matched with pen pals and Loma’s was from Holland. He was killed in Java during World War II. Loma was awarded the prestigious Citizenship Cup her senior year.
After graduating from Tech, she attended University of California on scholarship. However, she did not graduate because of World War II. She went to work for the War Department driving a truck. After the War, she became a legal secretary, married Bill Boyd, and raised four boys. She enjoys getting together with other Tech alumni from her era.