Carol Chong ’70

“One of the most memorable event was Oakland Tech’s first annual International Week in the Spring of 1969, an event bringing together the diverse group of students to learn about each other’s cultures – the music, the food and the attire. Kudos to the Class of 1969 Student Body Council for organizing this event.

The other memorable event was when a group of us students attended a football game against Castlemont High on their campus. Even though we lost the game, we did not lose our team spirit. After the game. one of my classmates, Debra Kidd, lead us into a cheer – “that’s okay, that’s all right, come on Bulldogs, fight, fight, fight.” The result of that school spirit landed Tech the Keyes trophy.

I also made new friends along the way. From Woodrow Wilson were Charles Hayes, Stephanie Lee (Fleming), Gwen Wilkerson, Marilyn Chin, Dorothy Siu, James Bolden and Sherry Cowan. From Hoover were June Foster, Dora Hopson, Sandra Smith (Jamerson) and Raynetta Waller. From Claremont were Suzi Wells, Judith Brooks, Cynthia Gee, Andrea Ratto and Tom Tripp.”