Gloria (O’Brien) Price ’45

Gloria (O’Brien) Price, Class of 1945
Some of my memories of happenings at Tech were eating my sack lunch with classmates on the front lawn and waving at the truckloads of servicemen going by from 1942 to 1945 headed for the ships that would take them out under the Golden Gate Bridge overseas to the South Pacific war zone. I was circulation editor for the school newspaper, The Scribe, and we sent the paper through the mail to the servicemen who had gone to Tech. Very often girlfriends would put notes into the rolled up papers which made a bit of fun for those Tech servicemen when they received the papers. They said they really enjoyed hearing from Tech and getting the notes too.

A lot of the teachers were elderly. Many of them came out of retirement to help with the influx of students that WWII had brought to the area. The teachers were excellent and very often had been teaching at Tech when some of the students’ parents attended Tech. Those teachers very often would make reference to that fact which brought laughter to the class.

As far as funny stories about things that happened at Tech, one that is vivid in my mind is when Tech and Uni were scheduled to play their annual football game and some of the jokers from Uni came over and painted part of one of the columns out in front of Tech blue and gold. I believe it was in retaliation for Tech’s placing an old model “A” Ford coupe up on the rooftop corner of Uni (or on the front steps of Uni) painted purple and gold.

There has never been any doubt in my mind that going to Tech was one of the most important parts of my life. I have stayed in touch with all of my high school friends for a lifetime.