James Hansen ’57

I am writing this for my husband, James A. Hansen, who graduated from Oakland Tech in 1957. His father, Howard James Hansen (who was born on July 5, 1912) and three aunts– Beatrice Hansen, Thelma Hansen and Norma Hansen– also graduated from Oakland Tech. Jim had several teachers that had also taught his father and aunts! Jim recalls that he took Woodshop and had the same teacher as his dad, but can’t remember his name.
Once, Jim was working on a project and a piece of wood split off and imbedded in his upper lip. He still has a small scar! During his sophomore year, he started working after school in the Janitorial Department and he worked there until graduation. Jim really enjoyed his high school years and loved Tech’s beautiful campus. After graduation, Jim joined the United States Marine Corp Reserves and attended Laney Trade School to become a plumber. He quickly became a superintendent on many large building projects and new housing tracts throughout the Bay Area. He celebrated his 50-year anniversary with the Plumber’s Union a few years ago.
We have been married for 51 years and have three children and four granddaughters.
(Contributed by his wife, Sandee Hansen)