Gala Event Venue Changes
Dear Family, Friends, and Oakland Tech Alumni,
As a member of the Oakland Technical High School Centennial Committee, I cannot tell you how excited we are that you have shown your support for Oakland Tech for next week’s Centennial events. We have over 300 people signed up to participate, and the numbers are growing!

300 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland
Every donation or event purchase you make enables us to memorialize 100 years of the premier public high school in Oakland. It also allows us to create a new chapter in honoring our community, and without your participation none of this would be possible.
For two years, our volunteer group has been working overtime to provide the most inclusive Centennial celebrations for Memorial Day weekend. We have over half a dozen events that vary from free historical tours at Tech, to a signature night of celebration, to social networking lunch and brunch. There is something for everyone. We have priced an entire weekend of events much cheaper than a ticket to most fundraising parties.
In an effort to accommodate many people that would otherwise not be able to attend, we are making some changes in the program.

300 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland
We are moving the GALA from the Fox Theater to The Rotunda Building, 300 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, less than two blocks down the street from the Fox Theater. Even with the change in venue, this historic location at The Rotunda would not be possible if not for the generous sponsorship of our host, Phil Tagami and the CCIG corporation.
After receiving many requests, we are moving the picnic to Oakland Tech, to avoid the holiday picnics and crowds and to reminisce together.
We believe that the moves will add some much needed benefits for you, and you will be more than pleased with this hidden gem we have for you.
I look forward to seeing you next weekend!
Harold Lowe, Chair
OaklandTech Centennial Committee