John Taylor ’60

Class of 1960
Hi Dan….I’m a 1962 Tech grad. Want to give you a head’s up on a 1960 Grad—John Taylor. He’s just published his 5th book…He was a medic in Vietnam, played on a Yankees farm team, an Oakland Police officer for most of his life. He lives in Brentwood, CA—I think a bio piece on him would be appropriate on the Tech Centennial Page….you can reach him at or by phone 925-240-1691, 707-374-1463, 925-726-8553 or on facebook. While at Tech he played Baseball and was selected for the All-City team (I think that’s what it was called–like the All Stars) from Tech his senior year. His books mimic some of his life’s experiences…good reads. Land of a Thousand Dances (Vietnam), Only in Berserkely (Police, Cal, and mystery), Days on the Beach (Oakland PD), Chasing the Yankee Dream (minor league drama), and his current book just out this month, OIS, Officer Involved Shooting (his most controversial)…. I hope you’ll follow through . If you want to go through me, I can get more specific info from John.I think it’s always best to get it straight from the horse’s mouth as they say. Thanks. Cindi Schloming Wolfe ’62