Alumni Database Search

June, 2014

Calling all Bulldogs!

The Oakland Tech Centennial Planning Committee is working hard to make the celebration of the 100th year anniversary an amazing experience for all. All….that means we want everyone.

We need your assistance in locating all Bulldogs….alumni, former and current Oakland Tech staff and parents….in order to add them to our Alumni Database and share the news about the Centennial Celebration. If you have been a part of coordinating reunions, you know how difficult it can be to locate alumni, so we really need your help. We are seeking to find 1500 Alumni by July 1st.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Submit your contact information to us by visiting the Oakland Tech website (click here), or by contacting us directly at centennial@oaklandtech.comSince you received this email, you are already in our alumni database, so there is no need for you to complete this step. However, you will be receiving another email message soon with instructions for reviewing and updating your contact information.

2. Send us lists or files containing Oakland Tech alumni contact information, in any format (Excel spreadsheet, Word or PDF document, or even scanned pieces of paper!) to

3. Sign up for the Oakland Technical High Centennial group on Facebook, to stay up to date with the latest information.

4. We have a special need to find graduates from the classes of 1965, 1990, 1995, and 2005, who will be holding significant (50-, 25-, 20-, and 10-year) class reunions next year.

5. If you have mailing lists, web sites, social media groups, etc. please forward those to us as well.

6. If you are an alumnus of Oakland Tech and live in the Bay Area, we’d love to interview you for a Centennial video production. Click here to use the appointment booking calendar to sign up for an upcoming interview session.

7. Forward this email message to as many alumni and members of the Oakland Tech community as you can.

Thank you so much for helping us to get the word about the upcoming Centennial, and Go Bulldogs!

Dan Williams
Oakland Tech Centennial Planning Committee
Database Administrator